Тестирование производительности L2/L3 инфраструктуры.

IxNetwork обеспечивает тестирование производительности сети с широким диапазоном условий. Способен генерировать несколько терабайт данных и одновременно анализировать до 4 миллионов ip потоков одновременно, IxNetwork способен масштабироваться для тестирования самых мощных устройств и крупнейших сетей. Благодаря расширенному анализу и статистике в реальном времени это решение эмулирует все: от маршрутизации и коммутации, ЦОД на Ethernet и SDN до широкополосного доступа и промышленного Ethernet для всестороннего тестирования. Графический интерфейс (GUI) лёгкий и удобный, делает возможным производительное выполнение широкого круга задач.


Основные преимущества решения:

  • Сохранение капитальных затрат в тестировании — эмуляция очень большого количества маршрутизаторов и коммутаторов без использования реальных устройств
  • Сокращение времени тестирования — используется визуальный, основанный на топологии способ конфигурации
  • Проблемы определяются уже в лабах, до развёртывания их на местах — реалистичная иммитация реальных условий с гранулированной настройкой трафика
  • Понимание производительности и узких мест — даёт возможность развивать сеть основываясь на реальной производительности оборудования




Routing and Switching BGP-4, BGP+, OSPFv2/v3, ISISv4/v6, EIGRP, EIGRPv6, RIP, RIPng, BFD,


PVST+/RPVST+, Link Aggregation (LACP), LLDP

Software Defined Network VXLAN, EVPN VXLAN, OpenFlow, ISIS Segment Routing, OSPF Segment

Routing, BGP Segment Routing, BGP Link State (BGP-LS), PCEP, OVSDB, GENEVE


BGP auto-discovery with LDP FEC 129 support, L3 MPLS VPN/6VPE, 6PE,

BGP RT-Constraint, BGP Labeled Unicast, L3 Inter-AS VPN Options (A, B, C),


Broadband and Authentication PPPoX, DHCPv4, DHCPv6, L2TPv2, Radius attributes for L2TP, ANCP, IPv6

Autoconfiguration (SLAAC), IGMPv1/v2/v3, MLDv1/v2, IPTV, AMT, 802.1x, WebAuth, Cisco NAC

Industrial Ethernet Link OAM IEEE 802.3ah, CFM IEEE 802.1ag, Service OAM ITUT-Y.1731,

PBT/PBB-TE, Sync-E ESMC, PTP IEEE 1588 with G.8265.1 Telecom Profile,

ELMI, SRP IEEE 802.1 Qat, gPTP IEEE 802.1as, Layer 2 AVB Transport Protocols IEEE 1722

Data Center Ethernet FCoE/FIP, Priority Flow Control IEEE 802.1Qbb (PFC), LLDP/DCBX, VNTAG/VIC, TRILL, TRILL OAM, SPBM, Cisco FabricPath, VEPA


Configuration  Advanced Traffic Wizard – steps by steps wizard assisted traffic configuration

Quick FlowGroup – granular control of packet sequence and variations

Scale •   Generate up to 4 million trackable flows

•   Configure up to 16,000 unique Flow Groups – each supporting a unique transmit profile

•   Up to 4,096 hardware streams per-port

•   Learn and bind up to 4 million MPLS labels


Dynamic Controls •   Change frame rate and frame size on the fly

•   Change pre-defined packet header field on the fly

•   Update MPLS and PPP traffic dynamically, without having to stop and restart traffic

Traffic Types IPv4, IPv6, MPLS multi-labels, Ethernet, VLAN, provider bridges (Q-in-Q), provider backbone bridges (MAC-in-MAC), frame relay, ATM, PPP, HDLC, L2 MPLS VPN (including FR and ATM to Ethernet PWE3 Internetworking),

L3 MPLS VPN, VPLS, 6PE, 6VPE, multicast, multicast VPN

Source/Destination Ports Mapping One–to-one, many-to-many, fully meshed
Routes Mapping between

Peer Ports 

One-to-one, fully meshed
Flow Grouping Build flow groups based on packet content (e.g., QoS or VLAN ID)
Traffic Profile Frame sizeFixed, increment, random, IMIX, custom IMIX, Quad Gaussian distribution, auto
Ratepercent line rate, packets/sec, L2 bit rate (bps, Bps, KBps, MBps)
Payload patternIncrement byte/word, decrement byte/word, random, custom
QoSTOS, DSCP, IPv6 traffic classes, 802.1p, MPLS EXP
DynamicTraffic supports gratuitous ARP — auto Re-ARP on cable re-connect
Dynamic Fields Pre-defined packet header field, MPLS, and PPP — update corresponding traffic packets on the fly when control plane information changes
Packet Error Injection Bad CRC, No CRC
Per-Flow Traffic Tracking Single or multi-field tracking of any field including: QoS (TOS/DSCP), VLAN, source MAC address, destination MAC address, source IP address,

destination IP address, MPLS label, MPLS flow descriptor, streams, Src/Dst IP pair, Src/Dst MAC pair, custom packet tracking

Real-Time Flow Filtering and Flow Detective Real-time filtering of flows based on tracking settings with user defined criteria. Single out best/worst performing flows based on Rx count, min/max/average latency, timestamp, real-time packet loss using sequence, identify dead flows
Packet Editor Edit packet header fields and payload
Header field value editingIncrement, decrement, list, user defined, default, link/unlink with other header fields
Add trackingTrack user defined traffic flows
Payload editingIncrement byte/word, decrement byte/word, repeat, fixed, user defined
Custom editingAdd or insert additional layers of protocols


Loss Track Tx frames, Rx expected frames, Rx frames, Rx bytes frame delta loss %
Rate Tx frame rate, Rx frame rate, Rx rate (bps, Bps, Kbps, Mbps)
Latency Store and forward, cut-through, MEF frame delay, forwarding delay
Delay Variation (Jitter) Delay variation measurement (jitter) minimum, average, maximum
Inter-Arrival Time Inter-arrival minimum, average, maximum
Sequence Small error, big error, reverse error, last sequence number, duplicate frames, sequence gaps
Time Stamps First and last timestamp per flow
TrueView™ Convergence Control plane and data plane integrated time stamping for calculating convergence measurements
Packet Loss Duration Estimated time without received packets calculated by frames delta at the expected Rx rate
Misdirected Packets Per-port based count of packets not expected on a Rx port
Late Packets Per-flow count of packets that arrived late; user-defined threshold for late packets
Re-Ordered Packets Per-flow count of packets that were received out of order
Duplicate Packets Per-flow count of duplicate packets that were received
In-Order Packets Per-flow count of packets that were received in order